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E.g. breast carcinoma
E.g. Angiogenesis


   CECMAtlas is a manually curated database for human cancer-related extracellular matrix (C-ECM) genes. ECM is a major component of the cellular microenvironment and tumor cells can use ECM participate in a variety of basic cellular behaviors to promote their growth through different signaling pathways, and to resist the regulation of the immune system. However, the information of all previously identified C-ECM genes is dispersed in thousands of publications. Here, we provide a database of 225 well-annotated human C-ECM genes determined by text-mining and manual curation, and also demonstrate the biological processes involved in these genes.

1. HYNES R O. The extracellular matrix: not just pretty fibrils [J]. Science, 2009, 326(5957): 1216-9.

2. SOROKIN L. The impact of the extracellular matrix on inflammation [J]. Nat Rev Immunol, 2010, 10(10): 712-23.

3. HOUGHTON A M, QUINTERO P A, PERKINS D L, et al. Elastin fragments drive disease progression in a murine model of emphysema [J]. J Clin Invest, 2006, 116(3): 753-9.

4. FRANTZ C, STEWART K M, WEAVER V M. The extracellular matrix at a glance [J]. J Cell Sci, 2010, 123(Pt 24): 4195-200.

5. KVELER K, STAROSVETSKY E, ZIV-KENET A, et al. Immune-centric network of cytokines and cells in disease context identified by computational mining of PubMed [J]. Nat Biotechnol, 2018, 36(7): 651-9.

Number of C-ECM Genes : 225

Number of Cancer : 197

Number of Biological Process : 14